Need Help? We did. We got you.

1happylife brings you a secure platform for creating a private family community™ designed with an exclusive privacy-based “relationship manager” keeping who you need in the know while protecting your boundaries. 1HL helps you manage the hard stuff so that you can focus on what matters most.

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Our Why

If we could help even just one family, all that we have been through would be worth it. At 1HL we are here to help you manage the hard stuff so that you can focus on what matters most. It is our hope to uplift, inspire, and empower, one family at at time.


The 1HL Advantage


You are not alone

At 1HL, we're here to make the co-parenting journey easier for you and the 1300 new blended families formed daily in the US. Our platform is designed to help you set boundaries, share documents, stay connected, coordinate schedules, and manage expenses effortlessly.


Access Your Toolbox

1HL stands with those who feel underserved in navigating their new family situation, providing essential tools like boundary creation, document sharing, seamless communication, schedule coordination, and expense management. We're here to ensure you have the resources needed to thrive in your co-parenting or blended family journey.


Accelerate “Blended” Integration

Discover how 1HL fast-tracks stepfamily integration, typically a 5-7 year journey. Our platform offers vital tools including a personalized dashboard and and notifications to keep you informed on the go.

Let us empower your co-parenting journey with efficiency and ease.


Apply Solutions

With our platform, you can navigate co-parenting and blended family challenges more effectively, fostering healthier relationships and reducing stress for a happier family dynamic.


Navigate Challenges

In the face of high divorce rates, especially in blended families, 1HL is your trusted ally. Our platform equips you with essential tools to navigate challenges, set healthy boundaries, and strengthen connections. With 1HL, by your side, you're not just overcoming obstacles – you're embracing opportunities to create your own 1happylife.


*Statistics: 1, 2, 34